My last night in Costa Rica, I got the chance to work with another photographer. How fun right? Can you see me counting down the hours and minutes till my own shoot!!
I was so exited, I spent hours delighting in different outfits and jewelry, to go with different rooms and ideas. Dancing around the house giggling with delight. The light was perfect, it was overcast, but the sun was going down and it was turning into the most beautiful sunset.
And then, I get a text "I am running late, I will be there in an hour."
I almost cried .. I was bummed. My visions, the photographs I wanted, died right there with that txt.
In an hour it would be dark.
(And it's a story with a great reminder.)
I almost told him not to come. What's the point? I wanted sunset sexy pictures!
He came anyway. And I am so glad he did. We used what we had available, which was the lights of the city, the lights of the pool, and even the lights from our cells phones.
What fun!
Creativity can happen anywhere.
Creativity is aided by restriction - it's like it needs restriction, it need a creative container to make magic. And magic we did create.
And then I also started taking photos of me before he got there and I created a photograph that I love.