Photography is all about telling a story, evoking emotion, and allowing the viewer to see into and feel another world. So I am curious which creates the most connection to you?
In your marketing, you want your photographs to tell a story about you, allowing the viewer to get to know and like you, and evoke a connection with you.
I create that connection in your image by capturing your ESSENCE.
Your essence can show up as joy, radiance, depth, or power. You can be laughing, you can be smiling, you can be serious, statuesque, or even sexy, just as long as you are wide open allowing you to be seen. This is how we tell the story of you!
If you’re being photographed and are thinking, “Let’s get this over with” or, “I hate this” or even, “Are we done yet?” it will be captured on camera!!
Whatever you are feeling inside, the camera captures it; that’s why it’s so important to step through your fears and allow your true essence out and allow yourself to be seen.
I have been called “ruthless” and “relentless” about this in a photo-shoot; I will not stop until my clients have dropped their guard, are enjoying themselves, and have let me in. This is when the most amazing, memorable, moving photographs are taken.
Now, just so you know, I am on this journey too! At first I hated having my photo taken; now I can’t wait! But my inauthenticity in front of the camera can still show up. It’s not being stiff; it’s over-acting. It takes me a moment to sink in, stop pretending, and really get into my joy, or my sexiness, or my soft quiet side.
In Rome I had this amazing photo-shoot. I had just bought this amazing dress, and scouted out this amazing place and watched for the time of day with the perfect light. I wanted to capture the amazement of the experience I was having in Italy.
It did take a moment before I allowed myself to be seen.
You see, photo-shoots on location are wild! There is always a quick change of outfits in a doorway, hoping no one will see. Then the nervous walk to stand bravely out in front of the camera. People watch, cars honk as they pass by, or sometimes people even take their own pictures as they watch. You might be thinking, “YIKESSSS! That’s horrible!” But I will tell you, I have seen it over and over again: once you walk bravely out in front and walk past your nerves, it gets easier and easier, and by the end you don’t want to stop!
You can see in the photographs I am laughing, flirting, and having a great time!
But there is something special about one of the photographs; I wonder if you can figure out which one it is? It shows the soft side of my femininity, a moment in time when I was fully the softer side of me. I look at that photograph and just love that side of me.
Now, I could have just posted that one photograph, but I wanted to show you all different sides of me, and how in one dress, one location, so many essences can show up.
So now you can see into a window of my life and feel connected to me!